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QOL updates.

Aidan Sergal requested to merge staging into master

Updates to 3.4 Restrictions;

  1. Added restriction about leaving to purposely prevent data theft.

Updates to 2.3 Ranks;

  1. Added new rank.
  2. Changes to their descriptions to what it is needed.

Updates to 4.2 Protocols;

  1. Updated ranks in it.

Updates to 3.2 Warnings;

  1. Added section about warnings for employees impersonating security.

Updates to 3.5 Shift KOS;

  1. Changes to the rank requirements.

Updates to 2.2 Discord communications;

  1. Added to ensure that VCs are required to join.

Updates to 2.5 Activity and Quotas;

  1. Updated quota time.

Updates to 3.3 Shift KOS;

  1. Updated the rank names.
Edited by Astro

Merge request reports